
Worlds Greatest Meal - All Welcome

Sat, 8 Jul 2017
from 6:30pm to 10:00pm

by Marcus Curtis-Hill
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 5 years ago by Marcus Hill
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Brisbane
Reminder: None
Ends: 10:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)

Folks, as you are aware the 2017 contribution being made by the Rotary Club of Cairns to ‘The Worlds Greatest Meal’ initiative is our Independence Day Meal being held on 8th July at The Show Ground. Jan Daly is organising the event with help from a number of volunteers.

Of course it costs money to run such an event and without secured numbers of diners the amount of food to purchase and prepare cannot be estimated – there is a risk that our Club could lose money. To minimise this risk the cut off day for reservations and full payment this year will be 4th July.

The Club now needs your reservations and your money. Gail Seymour is collecting the cash and to ease the process it has been requested that our Club’s Card Reader (EFTPOS) will be available at each Rotary meeting from now until 4th July.

So please book your table and pay up now.




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112 people invited.
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